
Glass hearts

Glass Hearts

cuori di vetro per san valentino

Glass hearts (biscuits lactose free with gummy bears)

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I’ve often seen these glass-effect biscuits on the internet, but I had never tried to bake them.

For Valentine’s Day I wanted to bake something new and with a wow effect, so I searched for some recipes on the web and I found these biscuits, and surprise… They are very  easy to make

As a base I preferred to use my shortcrust pastry, which is super tested and for the glass effect I used the gummy bears…   needless to say that they didn’t make it to Valentine’s Day, because they were finished in ten minutes

Pasticci Fatati

Preparation time:

30 Minutes

Rest Time:

2 Hours and 20 Minutes

Pasticci Fatati

Cooking time:

13 Minutes

Pasticci Fatati



Pasticci Fatati

Cooking method:


Pasticci Fatati



Ingredients for glass hearts

  • 53 g lactose free butter;
  • 14 g yolks;
  • vanilla powder to taste;
  • 20-25 gummy bears.
  • 90 g Flour 00 (W110-120);
  • 36 g icing sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.


  • rolling pin;
  • 5.5 cm and 3.5 cm heart cutters;
  • a kitchen planetary mixer, whit K-beater;
  • baking tray;
  • baking paper.
fasi per preparare la frolla per la crostata all cioccolato

Prepare the shortcrust pastry for the biscuits

Pour the flour, icing sugar, lactose free butter and vanilla into the kitchen planetary mixer and mix with a K-beater until the mixture is large crumbs.

Add yolks and salt, and mix until the mixture is homogeneous. Form a loaf and let it rest in the fridge at 4° C for at least 2 hours.

Prepare the biscuits

Remove the loaf from the fridge, roll out the shortcrust pastry to a thickness of 4 mm and cut hearts with the 5.5 cm pastry cutter, for every biscuit make a hole for the glass using the other cutter.

Leave the biscuits to rest in the fridge at 4° C for 20 minutes, in the meantime preheat the convection oven to 175° C.

You can rework the shortcrust pastry and make other biscuits, or bake the small hearts separately and eat them. 

Bake the biscuits at 170 °C for 10 minutes, remove the dripping pan and place the gummy bears into the hole of the biscuits, lower the oven to 160° C and bake them for 3 minutes or until the gummy bears will melt.

Remove the dripping pan from the oven, let the biscuits cool before removing from the baking paper.

fasi per preparare i biscotti di vetro
biscotti cuori di vetro con caramelle gommose


If you love lactose free biscuits, you should also try Cookies

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LAVENDER BISCUITS (gluten and lactose free)

Lavender biscuits (gluten and lactose free)

lavender biscuits - biscotti alla lavanda gluten e lactose free

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Lavender biscuits (Gluten and lactose free)

When I go out into the garden and smell the lavender, my memory receptors are activated; today I wanted  throw in also a food memory, so I thought to try to prepare biscuits with whipped gluten and lactose free shortcrust pastry.

The smell of these biscuits is unmistakable and persistent, but the taste is very delicate and it’s perfect with coffee at the end of the dinner, or for a tea with friends.

These biscuits are without gluten and lactose, and so they are suitable for almost everyone, but in addition to this, it’s important to remember that lavender has anti-inflammatory, relaxing and digestive properties, so it’s a cure-all for the body.

Pasticci Fatati

Preparation time:

15 Minutes

Rest time:

Pasticci Fatati

Cooking time:

15 Minuti

Pasticci Fatati


25 biscuits

Pasticci Fatati

Cooking Method:


Pasticci Fatati



Ingredients for lavender biscuits

  • 100 g rice flour; 
  • a pinch of salt.
  • 0.3 g fresh lavender; 
  • 1 medium sized egg
  • 40 g icing sugar;
  • 69 g lactose-free butter;

Tools needed

  • Pastry bag; 
  • Kitchen planetary mixer.
fasi per preparare i biscottini alla lavanda - Lavender biscuits' steps

Preparation and cooking of lavender biscuits

Preheat the convection oven to 180 ° C or the static oven at 200 ° C.

Beat the lactose-free butter with icing sugar and lavender using a wire whisk, start to beat on low speed and then increase.

When you have finished whisking the butter and sugar, add half of the egg followed by half of the rice
flour and repeat with the remaining half of the egg and rice flour.

Stuff the pastry bag immediately with the mixture and pipe the biscuits onto the non-stick micro-perforated mat or the baking paper.

Put in the oven, lower the temperature to 160 ° C convection oven and 180 ° static oven, cook for 15 minutes.

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