
Vegan orange chocolate muffins

Vegan Orange Chocolate muffins

muffins vegani all'arancia e cioccolato versione natalizia

Vegan orange chocolate muffins

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I’m lactose intolerant, and I’m searching for alternative and healthier recipes.

This week I made vegan orange chocolate muffins, easy sweets, ready in a few minutes and perfect for breakfast.

About the ingredients:

  • orange juice, perfect, because it’s a seasonal fruit,
  • spelt flour, rich in fibre, in group B vitamins, proteins, and the essential amino acid methionine,
  • whole cane sugar, less calorific than refined sugar,
  • sunflower seed oil, in order to give softness.
Pasticci Fatati

Preparation time:

7 Minutes

Rest time:

Pasticci Fatati

Cooking time:

20 Minutes

Pasticci Fatati



Pasticci Fatati

Cooking method:


Pasticci Fatati



Ingredients for vegan orange chocolate muffins

  • 70 g spelt flour;
  • 2.6 g baking powder;
  • 20 g chocolate drops;
  • 40 g whole cane sugar;
  • vanilla powder to taste.
  • 80 ml orange juice;
  • zest of half an orange;
  • 20 ml sunflower seed oil;
  • icing sugar.


  • muffin mould;
  • paper cups;
  • bowl;
  • kitchen whisk;
  • spoon.
fasi per preparare i muffins arancia e cioccolato

To prepare the vegan orange chocolate muffins

Preheat the convection oven to 180° C and place the paper cups into the muffin mould.

Add the spelt flour to the whole cane sugar, baking powder and the zest of orange and mix.

Put the orange juice and the oil in a measuring jug and mix. 

Add the liquid mixture to the dry mixture and whisk, when you have finished, add chocolate drops and mix.

Pour the mixture into 3 paper cups until they are ⅔ full, bake for 20 minutes.

Remove them from the oven, when the muffins have cooled down, dust with icing sugar

muffins vegani all'arancia e cioccolato


  • if you prefer, you can dust with coloured icing sugar;
  • Muffins will remain fresh for 2-3 days stored in a tin box or in a vacuum container;
  • if you love vegan muffins, you should also try non-dairy strawberry muffins
muffins alle fragole - strawberry muffins

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